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Issue Title
Vol 76, No 2 (1975) Simmondsia chinensis - eine Pflanze mit Zukunft Abstract   PDF
Carl Hoeppe
Vol 100, No 1 (1999) Situacion e importancia de la tecnologia de Traccion animal en algunas zonas de Nicaragua Abstract   PDF
María de Fátima Bolanos Ortega
Vol 96, No 1 (1995) Situation Analysis in Extension Oriented Projects of the German Technical Corporation Abstract   PDF
Eberhard Bauer, Volker Hoffmann
Vol 67 (1966) Situation und Aussichten des Zuckerrübenanbaus in den nordafrikanischen Ländern sowie im Nahen und Mittleren Osten Abstract   PDF
P.H. Nelson
Vol 95, No 1 (1994) Slaughterhouse survey for antibodies against selected viruses in ruminant sera in Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria Abstract   PDF
S.S. Baba, A.G. Bobbo, M.B. Akoma, T.I. Osiyemi
Vol 96, No 1 (1995) Socio-Economic and Ecological Determinants of Foodstuff Supply in the Peoples’ Republic of China Abstract   PDF
Helmer W. Bachmann
Vol 98, No 1 (1997) Soil fertility capability of Umbric Gleysols in Bigombo valley in NW-Tanzania Abstract   PDF
G. Boje, U. Fechter-Escamilla, A. Skowronek, J. Botschek
Vol 81, No 2 (1980) Some chemical components of Nigerian cassava cultivars and of the processed product Abstract   PDF
G. O. Obigbesan, M. Fafunso
Vol 100, No 1 (1999) Some Non-Genetic Factors affecting Milk Production of Friesian Herds Abstract   PDF
M.K. Mohsen, E.S. Tawfik, H.G. El-Awady
Vol 85, No 2 (1984) Some nutritional studies on Elephant Grass in Egypt Abstract   PDF
A.A. Fahmy, M.S. Saleh Youssef, A.Gh. Galal, H.M. El-Nouby
Vol 97, No 1 (1996) Sources and Effects of Rural Credit Systems on Smallholder Farming Systems in Botswana. Abstract   PDF
A. Panin, M. Nahabile, B. Nfila
Vol 87, No 1 (1986) Soybean production under various ecological conditions with special reference to North Africa Abstract   PDF
Jürgen Carls
Vol 95, No 2 (1994) Spanish fresh citrus trade with the unified Germany Abstract   PDF
F.J. Del Campo Gomis, J.F. Julia Igual
Vol 78, No 2 (1977) Spargelanbau in den Tropen - Erfahrungen und Empfehlungen Abstract   PDF
H. D. Hartmann, H. Klapproth
Vol 85, No 1 (1984) Stage of development of sprinkler irrigation In the Federal Republic of Germany Abstract   PDF
Heinz Sourell
Vol 78, No 1 (1977) Stand und Problematik der Agrarförderungsinstitutionen in Liberia Abstract   PDF
Eckhard Baum
Vol 77, No 2 (1976) Stand und Problematik der Agrarförderungssituationen in Liberia Abstract   PDF
Eckhard Baum
Vol 78, No 1 (1977) Stimulierung des Austreibens sekundärer Knospen bei Kaffeesämlingen durch Wachstumsregulatoren Abstract   PDF
S. Rehm, E. A. Zayed, G. Espig
Vol 100, No 2 (1999) Studies of Mycoflora on Decomposing Leaf of Parthenium in relation to different Climatic Factors Abstract   PDF
Asha Sinha, Ashok kr. Singh, Abhinesh Singh Yadava, Jabeen Qaisar
Vol 87, No 2 (1986) Studies on some reproductive and productive and traits of buffaloes in Egypt Abstract   PDF
El Kaschab, S. Danasoury, S. Omar
Vol 100, No 1 (1999) Study of a Combined Subsoil Chiseler and Rotary Furrower and its Application in Agricultural Production In Vietnam Abstract   PDF
Phan Thanh Tinh, Nguyen Van Phat, Le Si Hung
Vol 71, No 1 (1970) Subsistenzlandwirtschaft - ihre Bedeutung und ihre Probleme Abstract   PDF
Hans Joachim Glauner
Vol 87, No 1 (1986) Subtropical-tropical crop Produktion - a special subject involved in structural changes of secondary and tertiary education from 1966 - 1985 Abstract   PDF
Mechtild Rommel
Vol 95, No 2 (1994) Supplement effects of low- and high-cyanide cassava peels on the performance, nutrient digestibility, and serum metabolites of growing pigs Abstract   PDF
Eustace A. Iyayi
Vol 89, No 1 (1988) Survey of Nigerian Local Maize for Protein Content Abstract   PDF
I.U. Obi, O.A. Olura, B.N. Okwuosa, O.C. Nwankiti
Vol 79, No 2 (1978) Survey of Seed-Borne Fungi of Zea Mays L. in Imo and Anambra States of Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Chukwunyeaka Iloba
Vol 90, No 2 (1989) Survey on agronomic conditions of bean cultivation (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in the Basse Plaine des Gonaives/Haiti Abstract   PDF
Hans Winkler
Vol 77, No 2 (1976) Tastversuche zur Bekämpfung von Orobanche-Arten Abstract   PDF
Gerhard Zoebelein
Vol 92, No 2 (1991) Tea and Citrus Production in the Soviet Republic of Georgia Abstract   PDF
Alfred Kollmeier
Vol 82, No 2 (1981) Technische Aspekte der Mechanisierung in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft - eine Betrachtung aus kulturtechnischer Sicht Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 99, No 2 (1998) Teilmechanisierung der Maniokernte unter Einsatz des Leipziger Maniokroders - Ein Beitrag zur Verfahrensentwicklung Abstract   PDF
R. Neumann
Vol 70, No 2 (1969) Thailand im Überblick Abstract   PDF
Hans-Jürgen Ludolphs
Vol 90, No 1 (1989) The buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Problems - trends - prospects Abstract   PDF
Jürgen Lensch
Vol 92, No 1 (1991) The climatic influence on the nutritive value of the natural vegetation in North-East Mexico Abstract   PDF
M.A. Martínez, Udo ter Meulen
Vol 87, No 1 (1986) The collection of plant genetic material in Central America: Resources and strategies Abstract   PDF
Jan Engels
Vol 98, No 2 (1997) The Contribution of Pine Forests to the Living Standard in Farming Systems in the Zerhoune Mountains, Central Morocco Abstract   PDF
H.P. Wolff
Vol 91, No 2 (1990) The contribution of the European cattle breeding to the cattle production in the Third World Abstract   PDF
Klaus Meyn
Vol 90, No 1 (1989) The Detection of Brucella abortus antibodies in cattle by an Enzyme Immuno Assay (EIA): Comparison between different EIA antigens, Rose Bengal and Sero Agglutination Test Abstract   PDF
Gino Cecchini
Vol 94, No 2 (1993) The Determination of Mixing Ratios in Afforestation Assortments: Satisfying Farmers’ Needs for Multi-Purpose Forests Abstract   PDF
Ulrich März
Vol 88, No 1 (1987) The development of land ownership in Nigeria with special reference to forest ownership Abstract   PDF
Roy C. Mbakwe
Vol 93, No 1 (1992) The Economic Potential of an Agroforestry System with Neem (Azadirackta indica A. juss) for Small Farms in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone of Burkina Faso Abstract   PDF
Ulrich März
Vol 97, No 1 (1996) The Effect of Crop Rotation and Weed Control on the Weed Seed Bank in the Soil Abstract   PDF
Helmut Eiszner, Dennis Salazar, Jürgen Pohlan
Vol 95, No 2 (1994) The effect of Decumbence, Climbing, and Bushy Traits on Yield and Yield Components of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Abstract   PDF
M.I. Ugurul
Vol 95, No 1 (1994) The effect of duration of severe feed restriction on growth performance, carcass traits and meat quality of growing rabbits Abstract   PDF
A.M.A. Osman, E.S. Tawfik
Vol 96, No 2 (1995) The Effect of Feed Supply on the Fertility of female Nili-Ravi-Buffalo in the Punjab of Pakistan Part II: Supply and Requirements of Protein in the Survey Area Abstract   PDF
Udo ter Meulen, G. Nothelle
Vol 96, No 1 (1995) The Effect of Feed Supply on the Fertility of Female Nili-Ravi-Buffalo in the Punjab of Pakistan - Supply and Requirements of Energy in the Survey Area Abstract   PDF
Udo ter Meulen, G. Nothelle
Vol 97, No 1 (1996) The Effect of Feed Supply on the Fertility of female Nili-Ravi-Buffalo in the Punjab of Pakistan Abstract   PDF
Udo ter Meulen, G. Nothelle
Vol 97, No 1 (1996) The Effect of Feed Supply on the Fertility of female Nili-Ravi-Buffalo in the Punjab of Pakistan. Part IV: Conclusive Presentation Abstract   PDF
Udo ter Meulen, G. Nothelle
Vol 100, No 1 (1999) The effects of salinity on growth and ion content of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), eggfruit (Solanum melongena L.) and red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) varieties Abstract   PDF
Christian Richter, Burkhard Heiligtag, Maher Nagieb, Usama Mukhallalati
Vol 89, No 1 (1988) The Egyptian irrigation system and its problems Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
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