The Effect of Feed Supply on the Fertility of female Nili-Ravi-Buffalo in the Punjab of Pakistan. Part IV: Conclusive Presentation

Udo ter Meulen, G. Nothelle


In the present work we intend to investigate the extent to which the current feed situation affects the fertility of female Nili-Ravi-Buffaloes in selected farms of the Punjab  province in Pakistan. In order to study the feed situation samples of rations from 30  different farms, of a mean area of 12.5 acres each, were collected at regular intervals  over the year. In total 581 rations were analysed by 959 determinations of the  "Weender analysis", 943 determinations of the "Hohenheimer gas test" and 879 determinations for the calcium, phosphorus and magnesium content (Methodenbuch, 1983; DLG. 1983).  The determined feed value in combination with the measured amounts of fed rations  per animal unit were employed to investigate the effect of the feeding factors on the  fertility. These factors include supply of metabolisable energy. crude protein. cnide  protein/energy-ratio, crude fibre, calcium, phosphorus, calcium/phophorus-ratio and  magnesium. The seasonal nature of the fertility was studied by comparing the feed factors with the conception- and calving-rates of every month of the year. From the results obtained in this study (see parts I-III) it is concluded that the investigated feeding factors apparently have a partial effect on fertility. These factors are not the  only source of influence on fertility. Other factors, related to feeding e.g. climate and  farm management, must also be considered for an accurate investigation of the effect  of feed. The obtained results also indicate that the fluctuating supply of the separate  nutritive substances is not the major determinant of seasonal fertility fluctuations but it  is rather the long term inappropriate relation of the nutritive substances to each other  which cause the observed fertility problems.

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