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Issue Title
Vol 99, No 2 (1998) The Feeding Value Of Dialium Guineese As A Supplement To West African Dwarf Sheep Fed Natural Grass Hay Abstract   PDF
I.I. Osakwe, H. Steingaß, W. Drochner
Vol 90, No 1 (1989) The Glashouse for Tropical Crop Plants at Witzenhausen - historical and present day views Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 87, No 2 (1986) The Glasshouse for Tropical Crop Plants, the Garden for Special Crop Plants and the Arboretum at Witzenhausen, Faculty; of International Agriculture, University of Kassel Abstract   PDF
Mechtild Rommel
Vol 94, No 2 (1993) The importance and problems of millet and sorghum production in the People’s Republic of China Abstract   PDF
Z.G. You
Vol 87, No 1 (1986) The Importance of Nitrogen Fixation of Blue-Green Algea and the Azolla-Anabaena Symbiosis for the Cultivation of Lowland Rice Abstract   PDF
Paul Hermelink, Werner Kramer
Vol 85, No 2 (1984) The infections by Uromyces ssp. On Vigna sinensis spp. Cylindricus (Cowpea) and its correlation with different irrigation-systems under aride climate-conditions Abstract   PDF
Gerd Wessolek, Uwe Meier
Vol 99, No 2 (1998) The Influence of Genotype, Priming Material, Temperature and Osmotic Potential of Priming Solution on Imbibition and Subsequent Germination of Sorghum and Pearl Millet Seeds During and After Treatment Abstract   PDF
M.A. Al-Mudaris, S.C. Jutzi
Vol 97, No 1 (1996) The Integration of Animal Breeding and Animal Husbandry with Sustainable, Locationally and Environmentally Compatible Tropical Agriculture Abstract   PDF
Jürgen Poetschke
Vol 84, No 1 (1983) The international agricultural research institutions stage of development, tasks and Problems Abstract   PDF
Heino Messerschmidt
Vol 87, No 2 (1986) The natural fish resources in Egypt Abstract   PDF
M. Faisal
Vol 96, No 1 (1995) The Need for Integrated Weed Management Systems in Smallholder Conservation Farming in Zimbabwe Abstract   PDF
H. Vogel
Vol 93, No 1 (1992) The new laboratory and lecture room complex of the University of Kassel in Witzenhausen is approaching completion Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 87, No 2 (1986) The Nile mud and its influence on the fertility of the arable lands of Egypt Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 93, No 1 (1992) The nutritional situation for extensive kept goats in North East Mexico - Part 2: The saisonal daily drymatter intake Abstract   PDF
M.A. Martínez, Udo ter Meulen
Vol 92, No 2 (1991) The nutritional value of the plant material selected by goats Abstract   PDF
M.A. Martínez, Udo ter Meulen
Vol 84, No 1 (1983) The origin, function and disappearance of collective production units (Harrasehs) in rural areas of lran Abstract   PDF
S. Amini
Vol 83, No 2 (1982) The peat nightsoil collection and treatment process - an alternative treatment method of human faeces and urine Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 92, No 1 (1991) The Potential of Alleycropping as a Labor Efficient Management Option to Control Weeds: A Hypothetical Case Abstract   PDF
Andreas Böhringer
Vol 84, No 2 (1983) The rice garten – a new cultivation system for small farms in South East-Asia Abstract   PDF
G. Trolldenier
Vol 96, No 1 (1995) The Role of Agricultural Engineering within the Process of Rural Development and the German Working Group of International Co-operation in Agricultural Engineering Abstract   PDF
R. Krause, M. Guntz
Vol 98, No 1 (1997) The Role of Fibre in Rabbit Nutrition Abstract   PDF
E.S. Tawfik, S.Y. Sherif, M. El-Hindawy, A.I. Attia, S. Aboul-Ela
Vol 92, No 2 (1991) The Role of Green Manure for Agricultural Production in the Tropics with Special Reference to Crotalaria ochroleuca (MARESJEA) Abstract   PDF
J.J. Weber
Vol 84, No 2 (1983) The school of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture at Witzenhausen (Germany) – a historical review Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 92, No 2 (1991) The significance of Coconuts in the Polynesian Kingdom of Tonga Abstract   PDF
Paul van der Grijp
Vol 95, No 2 (1994) The state of agricultural research and its commercialization in Nigeria Abstract   PDF
P.O. Erhabor, E.M. Omoregie, F.S. Idachaba
Vol 100, No 1 (1999) The Sustainable Vegetable Production Project in Guimaras - empowering local farmers to increase farm income through environmental-friendly vegetable production Abstract   PDF
Johannes Geisen
Vol 94, No 1 (1993) The Trainee Programme for Agricultural Graduates from Morocco Abstract   PDF
Eckhard Baum
Vol 100, No 2 (1999) The Water Buffalo - A Poly-oestrous Animal Abstract   PDF
U. ter Meulen, G. Nothelle, E. Bode
Vol 81, No 1 (1980) Tierernährung - Rohstoffveredelung oder Energieverschwendung? Abstract   PDF
E. Pfeffer
Vol 95, No 2 (1994) Tierische Anspannung für den Antrieb stationärer Arbeitsmaschinen unter besonderer Beachtung des Einflusses der Baumlänge auf den Wirkungsgrad des Systems Tier/Göpel Abstract   PDF
Hans-Peter Löhrlein
Vol 100, No 2 (1999) Total Phosphorus and Phytate Phosphorus Content in Grain Maize (Zea Mays) Abstract   PDF
J. Cossa, H. Jeroch, Kerstin Oloffs, H. Kluge, W. Drauschke, R. Ackermann
Vol 96, No 2 (1995) Towards promoting links in rural finance between financial self-help associations and banking institutions in Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Noble J. Nweze
Vol 99, No 1 (1998) Traditional Goat Production and Utilisation of Goat Milk in Kgatleng and Kweneng districts of Botswana Abstract   PDF
A.A. Aganga, P.B. Moganetsi
Vol 98, No 2 (1997) Training Requirements in Agricultural Mechanisation and Machinery for Rural Women: An Empirical Study from Egypt Abstract   PDF
Jutta Schotte-Pfuhl
Vol 85, No 2 (1984) Treatment of chlorosis in mandarine orchards of the Aegean Region (Turkey) by soil an foliar application of different Fe-compounds. Abstract   PDF
Idris Kovanci, Hüseyin Hakerlerler, Murat Oktay, Werner Höfner
Vol 83, No 2 (1982) Treatment of Rural Wastewaters in Australia with Aquatic Plants: A Summary Abstract   PDF
C.M. Finlayson, D.S. Mitchell
Vol 88, No 1 (1987) Trees and shrubs in animal production at tropical and subtropical areas Abstract   PDF
Christine Klusmann
Vol 71, No 2 (1970) Trickle Irrigation - ein neues Bewässerungsverfahren Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 76, No 2 (1975) Tröpfchenbewässerung in Australien Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 77, No 2 (1976) Tropfenbewässerung in Großbritannien Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 73, No 2 (1972) Tropical Crop Breeding Abstract   PDF
William D. Storey
Vol 84, No 2 (1983) Two concepts to increase the agricultural productivity in the humid tropics – the “Yurimaguas Technology” and the „Ecofarming„ –model. Attempt of a comparison Abstract   PDF
Dieter Prinz
Vol 72, No 2 (1971) Über den Einfluß der Beschattung auf die Nährstoffversorgung von Kaffeekulturen in Costa Rica, aufgezeigt anhand der Blattanalyse Abstract   Untitled
E. Welte, M.H. Thiele-Wittig, L.E. Müller
Vol 82, No 1 (1981) Über den Einsatz der prognose bei der Bekämpfung von Baumwollschädlingen in Togo Abstract   PDF
Rüdiger Harnisch
Vol 72, No 1 (1971) Über den Mineralstoffgehalt von Böden, Futterpflanzen und Lecken südwestafrikanischer Karakul-Weiden Abstract   PDF
Klaus-Dieter Goebel
Vol 68 (1967) Über die Eigenschaften des Kokosnußwassers Abstract   PDF
D. Groove
Vol 81, No 2 (1980) Über einige physiologische Reaktionen mit Auswirkungen auf die Ertragsentwicklung bei Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.var.sabdariffa) Abstract   PDF
El Sayed R. Khafaga, Dieter Prinz, Sigmund Rehm
Vol 75, No 2 (1974) Umwandlung einer Hochgras-Savanne in eine Kulturweide in den Tropen Venezuelas Abstract   PDF
A.H. Könekamp
Vol 69 (1968) Unkrautbekämpfung im Feldbau ohne Wasser Abstract   PDF
Karl Heinz Walther
Vol 74, No 2 (1973) Unterflurbewässerung auf einem ostafrikanischen Podsolboden Abstract   PDF
Dieter Waffenschmidt
401 - 450 of 503 Items << < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 > >>