Browse Title Index

Issue Title
Vol 96, No 1 (1995) Evaluating Investments in Environmental Protection and Women's Health Care in the Sahel Abstract   PDF
Jörg Goronzy, Thomas Engelhardt
Vol 85, No 1 (1984) Evaluation of Dried Poultry Waste as a Feed Component in Sheep Diets in Subtropical Environment Abstract   PDF
A.Gh. Galal, S.T.M. Fahmy, A.M.A. Osman
Vol 92, No 2 (1991) Evaluation of Malathion-Impregnated Sawdust for Control of Bean Weevil (Piezotrachelus varium Wagn.) in Stored Kersting's Groundnut Abstract   PDF
M.O. Obasi
Vol 99, No 1 (1998) Excised-leaf Water Loss as a Simple Selection Criterion for Drought Resistance in Wheat Abstract   PDF
S.S. Dhanda, G.S. Sethi, R.K. Behl
Vol 84, No 2 (1983) Experience with the Implementation of a Biogas-Program in Thailand Abstract   PDF
Rainer Kraft
Vol 100, No 2 (1999) Feed Value of Germinated Barley for Waterfowl Abstract   PDF
R. Timmler, H. Jeroch, Le Khak
Vol 87, No 1 (1986) Feed Value of Olive Residues in Syria Abstract   PDF
Volker Daum
Vol 95, No 2 (1994) Feeding of Milk buffaloes in Pakistan and proposed improvements Abstract   PDF
Udo ter Meulen, Georg Nothelle, E.A. El-Harith
Vol 74, No 1 (1973) Feldgraswechselnutzung (ley-farming) - ein Wasserhaushaltsproblem in wintertrockenen, sommerfeuchten Graslandklimaten der warmgemäßigten Zonen. (Am Beispiel der Feldgraswechselnutzung mit Eragrostis curvula im Hochplateauklima Transvaals/Südafrika) Abstract   PDF
Ursus Schendel
Vol 79, No 1 (1978) Fertility Status of Wormcasts of Agrotoreutus nyongii (Shegun) and Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg) Abstract   PDF
C. C. Mba
Vol 88, No 2 (1987) Flower bud induction in coffea arabica L. Abstract   PDF
N. Majerowicz Gouveia, A. Kottwitz
Vol 70, No 2 (1969) Flugzeugeinsatz in der Landwirtschaft Abstract   PDF
Wilhelm Brei
Vol 89, No 1 (1988) Fodder production not only for farm animals but also to increase soil fertility Abstract   PDF
Gustav Espig
Vol 79, No 2 (1978) Forschungsaktivitäten auf dem Gebiet des Pflanzenbaues in Relation zur Weltagrarproduktion Abstract   PDF
G. Espig
Vol 79, No 1 (1978) Forschungsaktivitäten auf dem Gebiet des Pflanzenbaues in Relation zur Weltagrarproduktion - Teil 1: Hauptnahrungspflanzen Abstract   PDF
G. Espig
Vol 72, No 1 (1971) Fortschritte der Reisdüngung in Ostasien, 1958-1968 Abstract   PDF
Georg Kemmler
Vol 80, No 2 (1979) Fortschritte der Reisdüngung in Süd- und Ostasien Abstract   PDF
Georg Kemmler
Vol 82, No 1 (1981) Frauen in der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion Indiens Abstract   PDF
Petra Heinze
Vol 98, No 1 (1997) Fruit cropping in Chiapas - a rainbow for the sustainable tropical fruit growth? Abstract   PDF
Jürgen Pohlan, Jörg Borgman, R. Flores García, Lerma Molina, A. Pérez Romero
Vol 77, No 1 (1976) Gedanken über die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Holzgasmotoren in Entwicklungsländern Abstract   PDF
G.B.v. Wendorff
Vol 70, No 2 (1969) Gedanken zur Produktionsfaktorenkombination in Entwicklungsländern Abstract   PDF
Wolfgang Lentze
Vol 70, No 2 (1969) Geflügelhaltung in Entwicklungsländern Abstract   PDF
Werner Thomann
Vol 90, No 1 (1989) Genetically determined performance of Criollo Lechero (Reyna) dairy cattle and possibilities of its use in Nicaragua Abstract   PDF
Lothar Mairich
Vol 93, No 2 (1992) Genetische Einflüsse auf die Fruchtbarkeit bei Rassenkreuzungen Abstract   PDF
Gerald F. Stranzinger
Vol 74, No 2 (1973) Germination capacity of mexican wheat varieties under saline conditions Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff, Ernst-August Heller
Vol 88, No 2 (1987) Green Gold: Small-holders vanilla-production in Bali (Indonesia) Abstract   PDF
Inge Bundschu
Vol 76, No 1 (1975) Grenzen des Einsatzes ertragssteigernder Produktionsmittel im Baumwollanbau der Zentralafrikanischen Republik Abstract   PDF
Uwe Werblow
Vol 82, No 1 (1981) grundlagen angepaßter Konstruktionstechniken im Feedlotbau mit Anwendungsbeispielen aus dem Feedlot Banfora/Obervolta Abstract   PDF
Eberhardt Klinge von Schulz, Josef Mahlknecht
Vol 99, No 1 (1998) Guaraná (Paullinia cupana H.B.K.) ein Muntermacher aus dem tropischen Regenwald Abstract   PDF
J. Seidemann
Vol 89, No 2 (1988) Guidelines for Livestock Drinking Water Quality in Dry Areas Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 97, No 2 (1996) Heat Adaptability of Growing Bedouin Goats in Egypt Abstract   PDF
A.M. Abdel-Samee
Vol 98, No 2 (1997) Hectarage Response to Price and Yield for Sugarcane in Kenya - An Econometric Study Abstract   PDF
J.N. Mbata
Vol 97, No 2 (1996) High Temperature Tolerance in Relation to Changes in Lipids in Mutant Wheat Abstract   PDF
R.K. Behl, K.P. Heise, A.M. Moawad
Vol 91, No 2 (1990) History of tropical agricultural training institutions in German Part 2: The time period between the two world wars Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 90, No 2 (1989) History of tropical agricultural training institutions in Germany Part 1: Training institutions during the colonial period Abstract   PDF
Peter Wolff
Vol 100, No 2 (1999) Homegardens - a Neglected Potential for Food Security and Sustainable Land Management in the Communal Lands of Zimbabwe Abstract   PDF
A.W. Drescher, J. Hagmann, E. Chuma
Vol 82, No 2 (1981) Humus Production from Cassava (Manihot esculenta) Peels by Eudrilus eugeniae (terrestrial oligochete) Abstract   PDF
Caroline C. Mba
Vol 82, No 2 (1981) Identified Major Disease Hazards of Maize Production in Southern Nigeria Abstract   PDF
I.U. Obi
Vol 89, No 2 (1988) Improved Water Application in Irrigated Agriculture Abstract   PDF
Rolf Hübner
Vol 92, No 1 (1991) Improvement of traditional production method with reference to the Integrated Development Project of Achram-Diouk/Mauritania Abstract   PDF
Andreas Justen, Hans-Joachim Preuss
Vol 96, No 2 (1995) Indigenous plant parasitic nematodes associated with ornamental palms from Egypt Abstract   PDF
A. E. Ismail, M.F.M. Eissa
Vol 82, No 2 (1981) Infectivity of three Meloidogyne spp on soybean in Nigeria Abstract   PDF
R.O. Ogbuj
Vol 90, No 2 (1989) Influence of dietary energy density on feed intake, feed efficiency and weight gain of broilers Abstract   PDF
Tiémoko Yo, E.S. Tawfik
Vol 90, No 1 (1989) Influence of the growing coffea Arabica L. by thinning out of pin-heads Abstract   PDF
Almut Kottwitz
Vol 100, No 2 (1999) Interactions between Leguminous Hedgerows and a Sweet Potato Intercrop in Papua New Guinea Abstract   PDF
Robert M. Brook
Vol 75, No 2 (1974) Internationale Agrarentwicklung als Berufsfeld Abstract   PDF
Hans-Joachim Glauner, Franz-Hermann Riebel
Vol 92, No 1 (1991) Interrelationship Between Male Labour Shortage and Us of Animal Draft Power: A Case Study from Botswana Abstract   PDF
Wolfgang Kunze, Heinz Loos
Vol 89, No 1 (1988) Introducing new Crops and Crop Rotations in the Lower Monde Valley Irrigation Project, Portugal Abstract   PDF
Heinrich Speetzen, Reinhardt Bartsch
Vol 80, No 2 (1979) Investigation of Soil-Water Erosion in Surface Irrigation System of a Forest Plantation in Libya Abstract   PDF
Saadi Al-Azawi, Samir Mohamed
Vol 97, No 2 (1996) Irrigation in the World - the Future will not be like the Past Abstract   PDF
P. Wolff, R. Hübener
201 - 250 of 503 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>