The Effect of Feed Supply on the Fertility of female Nili-Ravi-Buffalo in the Punjab of Pakistan Part II: Supply and Requirements of Protein in the Survey Area

Udo ter Meulen, G. Nothelle


In the present work we intend to investigate the extent to which the current feed situation affects the fertility of female Nili-Ravi-buffaloes in selected farms of the  Punjab province in Pakistan. - Part II of this study is concerned with the supply and requirement of protein in the survey area. The following results are reported; the  calculated mean crude protein (CP) requirement for milk buffalo (with 8.4 kg FCM) is  1,177 g / 500 kg body weight (VE) and day. We found that the mean supply of crude  protein over the year in the study region was 683 g/VE and day, whereby the highest amounts of CP are fed in April (819g), May (889g) and October (840g). Considering  that the balanced ration for a milk buffalo normally contains 18% CP, the deficient  supply with protein in the region becomes very clear. The best ration in this respect is  that of February with 13.4% CP and the worst rations are those of June (5.8%), July  (4.9%), August (5.3%) and September (6%).  If we consider an optimal ratio between the fed CP and energy in relation to the  requirement as 13:1 (g CP : MJ ME) and a minimal ratio of 10:1, then a sinusoidal  curve around the optimum could be established for the values in this region. In spring  the ratio is much wider whereas in summer - from June till October - the ratio becomes very narrow and is significantly below the optimum.

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