The Effect of Feed Supply on the Fertility of Female Nili-Ravi-Buffalo in the Punjab of Pakistan - Supply and Requirements of Energy in the Survey Area

Udo ter Meulen, G. Nothelle


In the present work we intend to investigate the extent to which the current feeding  situation affects the fertility of female Nili-Ravi-buffaloes in selected farms of the  Punjab province in Pakistan.  Part I of this study is concerned with the energy supply. The following results are  reported: the highest energy supply, i.e. 82.18 MJ metabolisable energy per animal  (500 kg) and day, is fed in October whereby the energy requirement is covered by  81.13%. Starting from May the energy supply situation is clearly improving as compared to that of winter and spring seasons. However the proper total energy requirement for maintenance and production is generally not reached at any season of the  year. In spring the animals receive only half of their energy requirement. Similarly  the energy concentration, expressed as energy number E, shows that over the whole year the rations cannot be considered as of high quality.

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