Adoptability of New Technology in the Small-Holdings Tea Sector

V. S. Jayamanne, Mahinda Wijeratne, C. M. Wijayaratna


The degree of adoption of recommended technology is a crucial factor in the tea smallholdings sector of the low country Sri Lanka as far as the yield is concerned. An empirical study was carried out to ascertain the present situation. Almost all the recommendations were grouped into 11 packages (selection of clones, fertilizer application, soil and moisture conservation, field establishment, training, infilling, weed control, pruning, shading, pest and disease control and plucking). A package consisted of sub indicators to reveal farmers’ adoption level. High, middle, low and non-adopters were given justified scores (according to their importance to the yield). The total of marks given to sub indicators was the adoption index of farmers. Though the mean adoption level was 71%, some packages such as pest and disease control, and weed control were marginally adopted. Highest adopted packages included plucking, clone selection, field establishment, and fertilizer application (above 75% level). Adoption level was positively correlated to education, number of dependents, labour use pattern, and subsidies and further, it was negatively correlated to land extent.


adoption, correlation, packages, sub indicators, tea

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