Agripreneurial drive among women shea butter processors in Kwara State, Nigeria: the motivating factors and efficiency

Abraham Falola, Ridwan Mukaila, Sheu-Usman Oladipo Akanbi, Sheu Ahmad Olohungbebe, Oluwatobiloba Christianah Adeyeye


This study examined agricultural entrepreneurship among women shea butter processors in Kwara State Nigeria. It assessed their motivation factors, level of efficiencies, determinants of output and challenges faced in the entrepreneurial drive by the women. Primary data, collected using a semi-structured questionnaire, were collected from randomly selected 120 shea butter women processors. The data obtained were analysed with descriptive statistics, index ranking and the stochastic frontier function. The results showed that the motivating factors for agripreneurship among women were the quest to take care of the family, be financially independent, have increased income and be self-employed. The mean entrepreneurial, managerial and prudent efficiencies of the women were 0.78, 0.60 and 0.47, respectively. This indicates that there is still room for welfare gain by the women through improvement in their efficiency levels. The main determinants of output by the women were the quantity of shea nuts, water, and labour used. Meanwhile, educational status, access to extension services and membership in cooperatives had a direct effect on the level of entrepreneurial efficiency of the women, while their inefficiency increases with age. Entrepreneurial drive by the women was constrained by inadequate governmental and institutional support, poor credit facilities, lack of training on entrepreneurial development, poor potable water supply, and seasonality of the shea nuts. This study advocates efforts by the government and relevant stakeholders to support women to improve their agripreneurial efficiency. This could be achieved through the provision of processing technology, financial aid and training on entrepreneurial development.


Agripreneurship, Women entrepreneur, Motivating factors, Efficiency, Constraints

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