Agricultural Engineering in Witzenhausen - Agrartechnik in Witzenhausen

Rüdiger Krause


With the retirement of the professors Walter and Lorenz, Prof. Krause, 'Department of Agricultural Engineering' in Witzenhausen, assisted by a nucleus of adequate staff continues power and farm machinery lectures as well as lectures on technology of tropical products in basic and advanced Courses. Stressed is an energy- and resource saving, social- and environment adapted technology on adequate levels of sophistication to grant longterm sustainability of agriculture.
Above teaching the department tries to initiate and implement research in four relevant fields: mechanical weed control; draft animal power systems; renewable energy and energy systems; recycling of animal wastes and organic material.
In all the projects students and junior scientists are involved to prepare studies, projects, diploma and doctor's thesises.
Intensification and interdisciplinary cooperation will be strengthened in a M.Sc.-course planned by the faculty of International Agriculture for highly qualified extension experts for tropical and subtropical regions.

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