Adoption and Adaption of Contour Hedgerow Farming in the Philippine Uplands: Results of an Early Case Study

Marco Stark


In I992 the lntemational Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) conducted a survey  to identify possible modifications in the technical design of an agroforestry practice for  soil rehabilitation newly introduced to a degraded upland area in the Philippines. Simultaneously to the on-farm assessment of selected tree species for contour hedgerow  farming. an interview survey on the adoption of the agroforesuy innovation by local  farmers was conducted. The paper presents some of the relevant findings of this survey. The main constraint in the adoption of the contour hedgerow farming technique  seems to be its high labour demand in the establishment and maintenance of the technology. Among the examined social and economic factors which possibly influence the  adoption process only household size and gender ratio showed statistically significant  differences between the relatively small adopter and non-adopter sample groups. A  lower number of household members and a higher percentage of female members who  do not usually help with the hard labour of establishing contour hedgerows could prevent famters from trying and adopting the innovation. Modifications of the technology  and promotion of more simple altemative options together with a more flexible extension approach are recommended.

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